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Wednesday 8 April 2009

Mashups for productive conversations

To allow users to become as efficient as possible, enterprise mashups need to blend naturally into their work patterns.  It defeats the purpose if it takes multiple mouse clicks to find and launch a mashup and then copy and paste data into it when it’s needed!
The contact centre is a great example.  Calls from customers arrive at agent desks via the CTI systems that handle routing and agent management.  Mashups simplify the steps the agents need to go through to service the call – bringing together customer data, marshalling the screens the agents need.   What’s needed to complete the picture is a bridge between the two, bringing CTI functions into the mashup.
In that light, it’s great news that Corizon customers now have access to a thin-client CTI solution that delivers a re-usable, easy-to-integrate, web-based UI that is designed (and certified) to form a building block of an enterprise mashup.  Available from Corizon partner and call centre specialist Sabio, the solution has just attained Avaya DevConnect status.
This news is doubly significant.  First it’s going to be even easier for organizations relying on CTI to make call centre conversations more productive with mashups.  Second it shows how easy it is for partners such as Sabio to create mashup building blocks – UI services – that bring their expertise to the broader Corizon user community.  Both open up many new possibilities!

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Saturday 4 April 2009

Free Technical Whitepaper

I have just completed a new whitepaper titled The Case for Enterprise Mashups. The paper discusses current troubles with software development and explains how Enterprise Mashups are in a perfect position to address them. You can download it here.

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